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St Bede's and St Joseph's Catholic College

Art and Design

Subject Intent

We support our students to aspire through their learning experiences to standards of excellence intellectually, practically, and aesthetically.

Through our art curriculum, students are taught not only how to use formal elements within their artwork such as line, tone, colour, space, texture etc. We support students in learning to co-operate and negotiate and be able to share good practice and learn from others. We actively promote looking at the work of others, celebrating other cultures and encouraging diversity. We develop students’ awareness of the impact of art on society

We aim to enable our students to become:

  • Successful independent learners who enjoy learning, understand how to make progress and achieve to their full potential
  • Confident students who are willing to take risks and keep an open-mind about new ideas and techniques
  • Develop observational research and development of ideas
  • Engage students in the process of designing and making art
  • Identify and resolve problems when exploring techniques, developing ideas and creating artworks
  • Use a variety of art techniques and processes when developing ideas
  • Select and use specialist tools, techniques, and processes effectively
  • Analyse the work of past and present artists to develop their understanding and explore a range of techniques and processes
  • Reflect on work throughout the process of making to consider what is working effectively and how to take their project work further to best effect
  • Recognise where improvements and developments can be made, wherever possible making these to evolve their work

Curriculum Map


Click each year group below to find out a little more information.


Year 7

 Year 7 Curriculum map

Year 8

 Year 8 Curriculum map

Year 9

 Year 9 Curriculum map



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