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St Bede's and St Joseph's Catholic College


St Bede’s and St Joseph’s College's attendance target this year is 97%Every day of absence is 5 hours missed learning. A student with 90% attendance will have missed 4 weeks of learning by the end of the year.

That is 95 missed hours of learning!

Extensive research published by the Government shows that pupils with good attendance rates are over 4 times more likely to achieve 5 good GCSEs, including English and maths, and 22 times more likely to achieve the English Baccalaureate, than pupils with poor attendance.

The impact of poor attendance on learning, progress and achievement is striking.

Please be aware that poor attendance will lead to referrals to our Welfare Team and the Bradford Education Social Work service and may lead to the issuing of financial penalties. Our College attendance policy has this year been updated in line with Local Authority guidance on unauthorised term time holidays. Unauthorised holidays will be referred to the ESW and may also lead to financial penalties.