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St Bede's and St Joseph's Catholic College

Online Safety

At SBSJ, we take all aspects of Online Safety or 'E-Safety' very seriously.

Within College we filter and monitor all internet access and email through the College's network, provide guidance and advice to students, through PHSCE and ICT, of the potential risks and dangers of all aspects of electronic communication - social networking sites, messaging applications, and of course mobile phones and texting. 

The Internet has become an important part of our students' lives, enabling them to research projects, talk to their friends and access information from around the world. Increasing provision of the Internet in and out of College brings with it the need to ensure that learners remain safe. Recently more and more young people have been occupying themselves online than ever before and whilst the online space can be fun and educational it can also pose risks to young and impressionable people.

Keeping young people safe online is just as important these days as keeping them safe from “stranger danger” so taking time to read and understand how to keep them safe is important if we are all to work together to reduce the risks.

Within Bradford Local Authority there is a Prevent team which supports schools and the local community, with understanding and implementing the key requirements of the Prevent Duty. For further information about the Prevent Duty please contact:

Assia Hussain

Prevent Education Officer

Email: Assia.Hussain@bradford.gov.uk

Website: Register or login at Welcome to the PREVENT Team | Skills 4 Bradford to access a range of FREE
Prevent resources for parents and schools.


Online Safety Support Sites

Online-Safety (ID 1059)