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St Bede's and St Joseph's Catholic College

Office365 and your College Microsoft Account

The College will provide you with a @sbsj.co.uk email account. 

This is known as your 'School or Work' Microsoft Account.

Your Microsoft account will allow you to login to the College computers and access remote learning resources from home, such as Microsoft Teams along with any other software you see the 'login using Microsoft' logo.

Passwords are given to year 7 upon arrival however, if you need a password reset, you will need to see the IT support department during College hours. Alternatively, you can follow the self-service password reset guide below to enable the ability to reset your own password.

All student accounts need to be secured with 2FA or MFA (2 Form Authentication or Mult Factor Authentication).

We will begin this guide by showing you how to properly setup 2FA.

  • Login to Microsoft Office 365 by going to https://office.com

  • Sign in with your given username, for example 15206@sbsj.co.uk

  • Enter your password, you may be asked to change it if it your first time logging on

    IMPORTANT: Passwords need to be at least 8 characters and contain upper and lowercase letter with numbers, for example Naq92064

  • You will now be asked to take extra steps to secure your account, follow the guide to setup the Microsoft Authenticator App, you will need to download it and follow the instructions, you may need to provide a telephone backup number in case you ever lose access to the app.

    Choose the options in the guide which best suits you however, we recommend you chose the option to Authenticate using the App first, and receive a SMS text as a second choice.

Once you have setup 2FA, you will continue onto the Microsoft Office 365 Dashboard where you can access all your personal files, Microsoft software and Teams sites. 

Feel free to Install Office365 on up to 5 home computers or devices.

Adobe Creative Cloud

Students in years 8 to 13, are entitled to use the full Adobe creative studio suite, you can download and install this on up to 2 home computers by going to https://www.adobe.com/ and signing in with your College Microsoft account.


Self Service Password Reset (SSPR)

It is possible to reset your own password in the event of a lost password.

First you must register for SSPR and use at leat 2 authentication methods, if you have already setup 2FA then this part is complete – review and register other methods of password reset using this link https://mysignins.microsoft.com/security-info

Once you have registered, following the instructions on this link to recover access to your account and to change your password https://aka.ms/sspr

Contact IT support for help

Our IT support department is here to help with any IT related enquiries to help you get online with Arbor or with questions related to your Office365 account. 

Please use the form below to submit your IT support enquiry.

Please complete all fields marked (*)

This must match the number we have on record for you