The aim of the department is to support and encourage students to become
“happy, confident, spiritually awake, life-long learners".
Welcome to our SEND page where we explain the variety of ways in which SBSJ supports SEND students to reach their full potential. The underlying ethos of SBSJ is one of inclusion. All students have access to a broad and balanced curriculum in all Key Stages.
Students’ needs are met in accordance with the principles and procedures laid down in the SEND Code of Practice. These needs are initially identified during liaison meetings with our feeder schools and transitional programmes are held in the summer term. Assessments take place in September, and thereafter monitoring of provision and progress occurs throughout a student's College career.
The College's SEND policy is at the heart of strategic planning and development with the clear aim of supporting students to develop their resilience and aspiration. For students with more specific special educational needs the Inclusion team offers support with this.
The College believes in the principles of entitlement and inclusion and therefore wants all students to participate fully in the curriculum. The Inclusion area offers a wide variety of provision to students. Those with specific learning needs are offered individual or small group withdrawal from appropriate subjects, for literacy, numeracy, speech and language and bespoke self-regulation interventions. Students are also offered the opportunity to study ASDAN at Key Stage 4 to develop their independence and preparation for adulthood. Students may access in-class support, or a combination of appropriate interventions and support in-class where needed.
Our SEND provision is consistently evolving and developing in line with current pedagogy to support our students. As SBSJ continues to develop and evolve, SEND will be taken into consideration when developing the curriculum.