Senior Leadership Team
Senior Leadership Team (ID 1165)
Mr Lawrence BentleyHeadteacher
Mr Lawrence Bentley
Located: Ardor/Ignis
Mr Paul MulliganDeputy Headteacher
Mr Paul Mulligan
Located: Ardor
Mrs Jo WeirDeputy Headteacher
Mrs Jo Weir
Located: Ardor
Mr Stephen BurrowsDeputy Headteacher
Mr Stephen Burrows
Located: Ignis
Mrs Claire BrownAssociated Senior Leader
Mrs Claire Brown
Located: Ardor
Mrs Stacey HamiltonAssistant Headteacher
Mrs Stacey Hamilton
Located: Ardor
Mrs Vanessa MyersAssistant Headteacher
Mrs Vanessa Myers
Located: Ardor
Mrs Rebecca Smith-LongmanAssistant Headteacher
Mrs Rebecca Smith-Longman
Mr Phillip TeggartAssistant Headteacher
Mr Phillip Teggart
Mr James UttingBusiness Manager
Mr James Utting
Located: Ignis
Division Leadership Team
Division Leadership (ID 1166)
Ms Sadie HassellJulian of Norwich
English, History, Media Studies, Social Sciences
Ms Sadie Hassell
English, History, Media Studies, Social Sciences
Mr James TaylorTeresa of Avila
ICT, PE/Sports, Business Studies
Mr James Taylor
ICT, PE/Sport, Business
Mrs Sobia KhanCatherine of Siena
Science, Technology, Maths
Mrs Sobia Khan
Science, Technology, Maths
Mr Christopher DringTherese of Lisieux
RE, Citizenship, Geography, Politics, Law, Vocational
Mr Christopher Dring
RE, Geography, Citizenship, Politics, Law, Vocational
Mrs Sophie StaleyHildegard of Bingen
MFL, Arts
Mrs Sophie Staley
MFL, Arts
House Leadership Team
Scholastica Leaders (ID 1222)
Mr Matthew HargreavesSt Matthew
Mr Matthew Hargreaves
Mr J MurraySt Mark
Mr J Murray
Mr Christian OldcornSt Luke
Mr Christian Oldcorn
Ms Rachel BrooksSt John
Ms Rachel Brooks
Mr Anthony HannanSt Paul
Mr Anthony Hannan