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St Bede's and St Joseph's Catholic College


Students must be positive ambassadors for St Bede’s and St Joseph’s when travelling to and from College. They are expected to behave in a sensible, mature manner on all forms of transport. This means all school services and also the buses and trains used by the general public. We aim to ensure that everyone travelling on school transport is safe and gets to and from College on time.


Message to parents from WYCA - Education Transport School Buses

"You will no doubt have seen numerous news articles about the shortage of HGV drivers across the UK. What has not grabbed headlines in the same way is the shortage of bus drivers, which has, in part, been caused by drivers accepting offers to drive lorries and vans.

What this means is that bus operators no longer have the usual number of spare drivers and are not able to deal with ‘last minute’ absence issues in the way they did previously.  
What this means for school buses is that there will occasions when one of the following scenarios will apply.

  • Journeys will be doubled up i.e. one service will have to operate after another and the second one will be significantly late.
  • Journeys will be combined. Buses will be much fuller and journey lengths may be longer.
  • Journeys will be cancelled. Children will have to use public transport or be reliant on their parents to take them to school.

Whilst we may not be able to avoid this happening, we can ensure that parents and students are made aware of issues and that parents have a contingency plan in the event of service failure.

In terms of communication, we would encourage parents and students to follow us on Twitter @metrogenm where we will publish up to the minute information on service disruption, or call the service centre 0113 348 1122.

We will also be asking operators publish information as soon as they are aware of a problem and to tag the aforementioned Twitter feed and the school’s feed, if they have one. We will obviously work hard to ensure that disruption is minimised but thought it fair to make families aware of this situation so that they can be prepared."

Please view/contact the following for school bus information 

Telephone:              0113 348 1122
:                      @metrogenm  


Applying For School Buses

All students using the school special buses will be required to show a boarding card for that particular service bus. Please click the link below to apply for a boarding card, or to renew a boarding card. THE CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS TO BE PROCESSED IN TIME FOR SEPTEMBER IS 30 JUNE 2022. APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED AFTER THIS DATE WILL NOT BE PRIORITISED.

What is a Priority Photo Card?   Click here

All buses to the Ignis site St Bede’s and St Joseph’s Catholic College require a priority photo card. If no priority photo card is presented to the driver, students will be denied access to travel.