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St Bede's and St Joseph's Catholic College


The College uniform policy explicitly encourages Simplicity, Humility, Gentleness and Self-control.

observe due measure; moderation is best in all things

  (Hesiod, Ancient Greek poet)

We aim to:

  • encourage pride in our college;
  • encourage a sense of equality and cohesion;
  • protect students from social pressures to dress in a particular way;
  • support teaching and learning;
  • provide a safe and secure environment in which students learn how to dress appropriately.

In these ways, the uniform and dress codes support the overall aims of the College.

This uniform is to be worn at all times at school and on the journeys to and from school. Items are available from Natasha's or Rawcliffe’s in Bradford.

If a student comes to College in incorrect uniform replacements where possible will be offered and must be worn for that day. You will also be informed via letter or phone call. In extreme cases we may have to send your son/daughter home, however, you would be notified of this. There may also be occasion where students repeatedly wearing the incorrect uniform are placed in the Radiate study area - again parent/carers will be informed.

If for any reason you need support with this please contact your child's House Manager so we can work with you to overcome this and ensure your son/daughter does not receive a sanction unnecessarily.


College Uniform

Grey badged College blazer*
Grey College pullover*
White Shirt or Blouse
Black College standard trousers* or Black College standard skirt*
(Skirt to be worn with black tights)
Black shoes (no boots or heels)
Boots, heels, trainers, sandals, canvas pumps and footwear with logos are not permissible. Please consult
the House team if you are unsure and they will provide further detailed guidance to avoid any confusion.

PE Kit

College sports shirt*
College sports shorts* or College sports skort*
Green football socks
One piece swimming costume (dark blue or black) or swimming trunks (dark blue or black) – no Bermuda shorts
Clean trainers (no pumps)
Football boots
College rugby shirt* (optional)
Plain black sweatshirt (optional)
Plain black tracksuit bottoms (optional)
PE Hoodie Badged (optional)

Items marked * are only available from official school suppliers Natasha’s or Rawcliffe


A House tie will be presented to new starters on the first day. The tie is always to be worn. Replacements can be purchased via the Arbor Parent Portal at a cost of £5.


College Bag – suitable size to carry equipment
Pencil Case – equipped with pens/pencils/rubber/ruler


Uniform and Appearance

The only jewellery permitted is one simple finger ring, or simple chain worn inside and underneath the shirt/blouse.

Earrings - 1 pair of simple studs to be worn in the ear lobe (1 stud per ear).

Facial piercings of any kind are not permitted. The face is to be free of jewellery

Extreme unnatural hair colours/styles are not permitted, including shaved patterns, tramlines and extreme colour hair dyes.

Nail length should be kept short, with no coloured nail polish or false nails.

Makeup may only be worn if applied in a ‘light touch’ manner. In other words, it should not be obviously noticeable to the observer e.g. light moisturising foundation, light mascara, clear lip balm.

No headwear, caps, bandanas are to be worn on school premises.

Outdoor coats should be removed on arrival inside the school building.

Black school shoes should be kept clean. Boots, heels, trainers, sandals, canvas pumps and footwear with logos are not permissible. Students wearing the school skirt are expected to wear black tights

College lanyards & id cards are always to be worn on College premises. If the lanyard or ID card is lost a replacement can be bought via the Arbor Parent Portal. A replacement student ID card is £5 which entitles you to a free lanyard and cardholder upon request. Otherwise the card holders are £1 and the lanyard and cardholder can be purchased for £1.50. Please purchase via the Arbor Parent Portal – students can collect their completed order from the IT Support office.

Please note that if your son/daughter is not dressed appropriately for College they will be removed from lessons. Where possible House teams will provide items of uniform, including shoes, for students to borrow. Otherwise we will ask parents to bring items of uniform to the College. In some circumstances it may be necessary to send a student home for them to dress correctly and quickly return to lessons.

We will not make adjustments to our expectations and standards for uniform simply based on personal preference or because of an individual belief, contrary to our approach, that uniform is not important.


st bedes st joseph pdf.pdf