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St Bede's and St Joseph's Catholic College


Our character as a College is shaped by three prominent influences:

The College Motto: ‘Christus Lumen Gentium’


We take inspiration from the College motto ‘Christus Lumen Gentium’ (Christ Light of the Nations) as it reminds us that the formation of every student begins with the understanding that everyone has unique God-given talents and that by providing the best experiences, learning and skills, through the opportunities the Scholastica, Ecclesia and Olympia strands of our wider College curriculum provides, we are in the privileged position of enabling all of our students to shine out as disciples of Christ.


The College prayer:


God our Father help us this day:
To grow in love for You and those around us,
To uphold the dignity of all,
To recognise Christ in every person,
To reach out to those in need and
To respect and care for Your creation.
Heavenly Father guide our learning,
Increase our knowledge, understanding and skills
So that growing in confidence
We may better serve You and Your people.
We ask this through Christ, Our Lord, Amen

This prayer is known to the whole College community and is recited at all formal gatherings. It encourages us to live out the message of the gospel from day to day and directs all relationships, policies and procedures.


The Aim of Cardinal Hinsley:


 In 1900 Fr Arthur Hinsley was appointed the first headteacher of St Bede’s Catholic Grammar school. His first aim was: 

‘To provide for our students a thorough training in the knowledge and principles of the Catholic faith, combined with a secular education equal in every respect to the best public schools in England’.

 Our ambition as a College remains synonymous with the aim of Fr Hinsley; Students are expected to realise their academic ambitions, fully commit to the Catholic life of the College and actively participate in the extensive opportunities and experiences that are available to them. The House system encourages strong relationships and the character formation of each student which is carefully planned, managed and monitored through our recognition of the virtues of reflection, autonomy, courage, service, aspiration and self-control. 

The ethos of our College is, therefore, special and distinctive and provides the operating principles that set the tone for our daily living as we endeavour to form;

happy, confident, spiritually awake, life-long learners.