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St Bede's and St Joseph's Catholic College

Headteacher’s Welcome


Welcome to our website. I hope on reading the information that it provides, you are able to sense what a special College SBSJ is. Our mission as a College is to honour the original aim of the first headteacher of St Bede’s Catholic Grammar school, Cardinal Arthur Hinsley who, back in 1900, stated that he wished to:


..provide students with a thorough training in the knowledge and principles of the Catholic faith, combined with a secular education equal in every respect to the best public schools in England.

By aligning ourselves wholeheartedly to this aim and by taking inspiration from our College motto ‘Christus Lumen Gentium’ (Christ Light of the Nations) we are able to articulate very clearly an understanding of the values that underpin our work and how they substantiate our distinctive Catholic ethos:


By cultivating positive and productive relationships throughout the College we aim to ignite within all members of our College community a love of learning, a love of each other and a love of God.


We illuminate the educational journey of all our students by understanding that it is the totality of a child’s experience at College and exposure to a wide range of opportunities both inside the classroom and beyond that will help to broaden horizons and ensure the full formation of each individual.


In encouraging students to form their characters through the pursuit of personal strengths we call virtues we hope to form happy, confident, spiritually awake, life-long learners whose academic, sporting and artistic talents are encouraged to shine.


It is people not buildings or facilities that make good schools great and to that end I have no hesitation in stating that this is a great College!


Lawrence Bentley